Klaus Hart Brasilientexte

Aktuelle Berichte aus Brasilien – Politik, Kultur und Naturschutz

Brasilien. René Schärer, Prainha do Canto Verde, nachhaltiger Tourismus: Internationale Konferenz in Fortaleza

The 2nd Internacional Conference on Sustainable Tourism will be realized in Fortaleza Tradicional Communities, academics, NGO and Government representatives will meet to discuss  tourism perspectives.

From the 12th to the 15th May 2008, the II International Conference on Sustainable Tourism (SITS) will take place in the Condominio Espiritual Uirapuru (Ceu), in Fortaleza.

  The initiative continues the process of building a new model of tourism, which began in 2003 with the 1st SITS, also in Fortaleza.The main goals are: to affirm the community based tourism as a strategy of promoting traditional culture: preserve the environment and stimulate the fair trade; to give visibility to the debate about the impacts of conventional tourism; to promote the exchange of tourism experience between networks, developed from the point of view of a sustainable and community based tourism  The program consists of panels, self-organized spaces, shows, videos, presentations of scientific works and live cultural performances. This Conference seeks  to establish a theoretical and methodological model of tourism. It aims to break  from  the dominant logic of the conventional tourism and build a new approach focused on improving the quality of life of host communities. The discussions will be focus on  five main themes: „Tourism Economy, Fair Trade and Marketing“, „Public Policy and Sustainable Development“, „Local based Community and Solidarity Tourism“, „Enviromental and social Impacts of Tourism“ and “ Tourism in areas of Environmental Conservation.“ More than 500 participants are expected, representatives of Brazil and foreign Countries, among NGOs, social movements, communities, tour operators, fair trade, and environmental organisations. Untill now, have had confirmed their participation 16 Brazilian States and 12 Countries. Among the speakers will be Cox Aranibar, Vice-  Minister of Tourism of Bolivia; Diogo Joel De Marco, representative of the Brazilian Ministry of Tourism, Harold Ramos, president of the Nicaragua’s Rural Tourism Network , and Christine Plüss, AKTE – Switzerland (Worcking group on Tourism and Development) and Heinz Fuchs of Tourism Watch, Germany. The SITS offers also a Latin America Community based Tourism Fair, composed of samples from different communities and tourism destinations in the world. The activity will be held on May 14th, in Gentilândia Square, next to the rectory of the Federal University of Ceará. The event is the result of the work of the Terramar Institute, the Forum in Defense of Coastal Zone of Ceara  with the institutional support from  ICCO, EED and financial suppor from Amigos da Prainha do Canto Verde Foundation, Swiss Foundation for Solidarity in Tourism and INTERVITA. Date: 12th “ 15th May 2008

Location: Condominio Espiritual Uirapuru “ CEU. Av Alberto Craveiro, 2222, Casteláo.

Contacts: : Instituto Terramar (85) 32262476 / (85) 32364154

Vanessa Luana (coordination of SITS II) (85) 88640653 / Jefferson de Sousa (coordination of SITS II) (85) 99258965 / Domênica Rodrigues (coordination of SITS II) (85) 87265495 / Rosa Martins ( coordination of SITS II) ( 85) 99330153.  Press Agency of the II International Conference on Sustainable TourismÂ

Aline Baima “ journalist MTB 1702 JP CE/ (85) 88585903

Camila Garcia (85) 88188267

The Community Based Tourism Network of Ceará “ REDE TUCUM Â

On 13th of May, from 21h30min, will be present in the Kukukaya club, the Community Based Tourism Network of Ceará “ REDE TUCUM.. This articulation counts 12 communities of Ceará State: Tatajuba (Camocim), Curral velho (Acaraú), Caetanos de cima  (Amontada), Flecheiras (Trairí), Jenipapo-Kanindé  (Aquiraz), Batoque (Aquiraz), Prainha do Canto Verde (Beberibe), Assentamento Coqueirinho (Fortim), Ponta Grossa  (Icapuí), Tremembé (Icapuí), Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra  (MST-Fortaleza) e Conjunto Palmeiras (Fortaleza).

TUCUM’s goal is to strengthen and give visibility to the experiences of community based tourism developed into Ceara. The communities, through this articulation, receive training, improve its infrastructure, expand its possibilities for found out resources and work together for a marketing strategy, expanding thus the ability of communities to offer tourist services. In this perspective, the TUCUM network put together communities, that are already part of national tours, and international community based networks – as Prainha do Canto Verde (Beberibe) and Ponta Grossa (Icapuí). Recently they have started to practise it in a more planned way. This initiative originates from communities perception that they was not enough able to criticize the conventional tourism as model that generate a huge socio-spatial segregation, concentration of capitals and social problems.  The community based tourism wants to build another kind of logic and perspective. The community based tourism would like to set against the convencional tourism, representing an alternative income for the community, helping the local populations to have an effective control over its development and management, and to be responsible for infrastructure and tourism services. The practice of the community based tourism follows principles such as ethics attitude between native people (hosts) and tourists (guests), equitable distribution of income, establishment of community funds and valorisation of local production, culture and local identities. The event is part of the program of the II International Conference on Sustainable Tourism (SITS),  organized by the Institute Terramar and the Forum in Defense of Coastal Zone of Ceara, from the 12th to the 15th of May, in the Condominio Espiritual Uirapuru (CEU). The launch event,  reserved for the  guests, will be the occasion to present the TUCUM network and its communities. In  agenda, also the  presentation of the book „Indigenous Ecotourism“ of Luíndia Azevedo, the photographic exhibition „The beach´s being“ by Águeda Coelho, and the musical representation of banda Cumpadre Barbosa and Cumadres.  During this events, will be introduce five tours organised by the community based tourism network TUCUM (In the annex will found the complete roadmaps).  PRESENTATION: The Community Based Tourism Network of Ceará “ REDE TUCUM

PRESENTANTION : Ecoturismo Indigena of Luinda Azevedo.

Date: 13th of May , 9.30pm

Location: Kukukaya Club, Av. Pontes Vieira, 55. Sáo Joáo do Tauape, Fortaleza- Ceará- Brazil.

Contacts: Instituto Terramar (85) 32262476 / (85) 32364154Vanessa Luana (coordination of SITS II) (85) 88640653 / Jefferson de Sousa (coordination of SITS II) (85) 99258965 / Domênica Rodrigues (coordination of SITS II) (85) 87265495 / Rosa Martins ( coordination of SITS II) ( 85) 99330153. Press Agency of the II International Conference on Sustainable TourismÂ

Aline Baima “ journalist MTB 1702 JP CE/ (85) 88585903

Aline Baima
Jornalista MTB 1702 JP-CE
Fone: (85)88585903″E é táo bonito quando a gente entende
Que a gente é tanta gente onde quer que a gente vá“

Dieser Beitrag wurde am Sonntag, 11. Mai 2008 um 15:49 Uhr veröffentlicht und wurde unter der Kategorie Kultur, Naturschutz abgelegt. Du kannst die Kommentare zu diesen Eintrag durch den RSS-Feed verfolgen.

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