„Fucking Different Sáo Paulo by Rodrigo Diaz Diaz, Luiz René Guerra, Sabrina Greve, Joana Galváo, Monica Palazzo, Max Julien, Ricky Mastro, René Guerra, Silvia Lourenço, Gustavo Vinagre, Herman Barck, Luciana Lemos, Elzemann Neves, Germany/Brazil“
Gay-Parade 2010: http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2010/06/06/gay-parade-2010-in-sao-paulo-die-groste-der-welt-hobby-fotoserie-der-hobby-website/
„Alte Gays sind auch sehr köstlich.“
Analsex, kulturelle Faktoren: http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2010/02/09/analsex-haufig-erste-sexuelle-erfahrung-von-mannlichen-jugendlichen-in-brasilien-troca-troca-brasil-ato-sexual-em-que-parceiros-masculinos-se-alternam-na-penetracao-anal/
„This is the fourth film of the conceptual series Fucking Different, produced by Kristian Petersen. The first was shot in Berlin (2005), the second in New York (2007) and the third in Tel-Aviv (2008). The filmmakers from Sáo Paulo developed their projects in a script workshop during the 16th Mix Brasil Festival and received an allowance of 250 euros to shoot their short movies. The Brazilian version is as good as the foreign and invests in a variety of very interesting genres and platforms. There are 13 stories of 11 filmmakers, women address the gay world and men address the lesbian universe.In „After lunch“, Rodrigo Diaz Diaz shows that friendship can hide the most secret desires. And the best: to achieve them is a delight. May the protagonists of „Happily Ever After“ by Ricky Mastro, married for years and super sidekicks, tell. There is no way not to believe in romantic love, the ones we think only exist in Hollywood. But make no mistake: despite being in a movie, this story is quite possible, since documentaries have a guaranteed space in this session. In „God of the Impossible“, Luciana Lemos breaks a conservative taboo and shows that, contrary to what many square people may think, homosexuals are indeed loved by God and can go to church. Even if it is one founded by themselves. The pop world also has space on the tape with „Dykeland“ by Gustavo Vinagre, which tells how a rock band formed only by girls works.Now the pair Monica Palazzo and Joana Galváo decided to make a bold work. In their „Trilogy“, they tell stories that cross time, all linked by a work of art. It does not matter if you live in Villa Rica in the 18th century, in Rio de Janeiro in the 1970s or in Sao Paulo of today. The passion between equals crosses time, without limits. Joana Galváo also goes back to the theme in the animation „A look“, which shows a boy who decides to surrender to temptation without fear.Desire is also the guiding principle of „Round“, directed by Max Julien, which follows a man inclined to be a voyeur trying to venture out with a lesbian couple that performs in explicit sex shows. As Herman Barck, in „Flaca,“ who, to the sound of a delicious tango, proves that love can come from the most surprising places.The beginnings – and the ends of relationships – could not stand aside when it comes to love between equals. Therefore, Rene Guerra decided to sail the seas of video art and video clip on the delicate „House“ about the affectionate memories of a couple of girls. Daniel Favaretto invests in the same theme by showing the anguish of an actress who finds out she has cancer in „Test under 12″. Now Silvia Lourenço shows in „Under the skin“ that there is no need to despair with the upheavals of life. In a bold statement, a boy tells how he has been living a normal life life even keeping a big secret. The report embodies the very spirit of „Fucking different“: for love there is not – and never will be – barriers.“ (Mix Brasil)
Brasilianische Realitäten: Gay-und Lesben-Parade Sao Paulo.
Rio-Transvestit im Karneval.
Gemäß der von den Qualitätsmedien verbreiteten Studie eines Urologenteams aus Sao Paulo hatten von den untersuchten, auf dem Lande aufgewachsenen Brasilianern etwa 35 Prozent bereits Sex mit Tieren praktiziert, meist im Alter zwischen 13 und 18 Jahren, ein Teil auch noch danach. Als meistzitierte Sexpartner wurden Stuten genannt, gefolgt von Eseln, Maultieren, Ziegen, Hühnern und Kälbern. Der biologische Mechanismus, der zu mehr Peniskrebs führt, ist laut Studie noch nicht klar – möglicherweise bewirke die härte Genital-Schleimhaut der Tiere mehr Verletzungen am Penis – es könne indessen auch an Sekreten oder Mikroben der Tiere liegen. Als weitere Länder für Zoophilie wurden Angola und Bangladesh genannt.Die vergleichsweise hohe Rate von Penisamputationen in Brasilien wird von den Medien regelmäßig und sehr ernsthaft analysiert.
Brasiliens Zoophilie-Praktiken sind allgemein bekannt, werden zudem in der Populärmusik, der Literatur sowie in Theater und Kabarett häufig aufgegriffen.
« Urgewald zur deutschen Milliardenbürgschaft für Atomexporte nach Brasilien. – „Warum wir das Belo-Monte-Wasserkraftwerk nicht wollen“ – Brasilianische Indio-Proteste. Video anklicken. Staudammgegner Bischof Erwin Kräutler aus Österreich. »
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