Turkey and Brazil are both nascent democracies that have overcome their own histories of military rule. For their leaders to embrace and strengthen an Iranian president who uses his army and police to crush and kill Iranian democrats ” people seeking the same freedom of speech and political choice that Turks and Brazilians now enjoy ” is shameful. ”Lula is a political giant, but morally he has been a deep disappointment, said Moisés NaÃm, editor in chief of Foreign Policy magazine and a former trade minister in Venezuela.
Jüdische Proteste:
« Amnesty International verurteilt Polizeigewalt unter Lula. Folter, Todesschwadronen, Diktatur-Erbe…Katholische Kirche und Menschenrechte in Brasilien. Günter Nooke im Website-Interview: „Unsägliche Folterpraxis“. Kaum Interesse und Sensibilität in mitteleuropäischen Medien für Brasiliens Menschenrechtslage, darunter Morden an Homosexuellen, Folter von Kindern, Scheiterhaufen. Propagandaexperte Martin Sorell. – Maria Rita Kehl in Sao Paulo – Therapeutin, Kolumnistin, Schriftstellerin. Gesichter Brasiliens. »
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