Deutschlands Öko-Bluffer:
Atomenergie ist grüne Energie(Eletronuclear):
Montag, 23. April 2012 von Klaus Hart **
West Germany’s efforts to capture the Brazilian reactor market began in June 1968, shortly after Siemens won the Atucha-l contract in Argentina to build Latin America’s first nuclear power plant. Foreign Minister Willy Brandt, during a Visit to Brazil, publicly expressed German interest in supplying Brazil with nuclear technology. A few months later a former Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Pio Correa. was hired as president of the Siemens subsidiary in Brazil. A bilateral agreement for scientific and technical cooperation was signed in 1969. A key role in these negotiations was played by the new president of NUCLEBRAS, Nogueira Baticta, who then became the minister-counselor of the Brazilian embassy in Bonn to implement the accord.
Brazilian technicians were sent to Germany for training in nuclear engineering, and in 1971 a formal working relationship was established between Brazil’s National Council for Nuclear Energy (CNEN) and the Center for Nuclear Research in Julich (FRG), whose representatives were to play a key role in promoting exports of German nuclear technology. Visits of German scientists to Brazil under this agreement led to rumors, reported in the London Sunday Times, “of Germans conducting nuclear research in areas that would be ruled out if it were attempted on German soil…. A number of high West German officials visited Brasilia in mid-1 974 on secret business, among them State Secretary of Technology Hans Hilgar Haunschild, former Defense Minister Franz Josef Strauss and State Secretary for Foreign Affairs Hans George Sachs. (Norman Gall)
Diktator General Ernesto Geisel, in dessen Amtszeit der jüdische Journalist Herzog gefoltert und ermordet wurde – und Friedensnobelpreistraeger Willy Brandt, Ausriß.
« Rio+20. Brasiliens umstrittenes Waldgesetz passiert Abgeordnetenhaus – Umweltschützer fordern Veto durch Staatschefin Dilma Rousseff. „Veta, Dilma!“ Abstimmung als Niederlage für Regierung gewertet. „Atomenergie ist grüne Energie.“ Europas kuriose Lula-und Dilma-Lobby. – „The Pope and the usefulness of marxism.“ Brasiliens wichtigster Befreiungstheologe Frei Betto über Katholizismus und Marxismus. »
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