„Go-go to go-slow
Brazil risks blowing its immense promise, again
But Brazil’s apparent sense of wellbeing is a façade. Economic growth last year barely reached 1 per cent, little better than the eurozone. This year, Brazil is growing less than Japan. Inflation is eroding consumer confidence. There is a sense of malaise. Its root cause is an investment slowdown that began in mid-2011 and continued ever since. Yet more investment is exactly what Brazil needs to maintain jobs and become the global economic power it aspires to be. The rest of the region invests 24 per cent of output a year; fast-growing Asia almost 30 per cent. Brazil scrapes by at 18.
Brasília must take much of the blame. The extravagance of the consumer-led economic model of former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has exhausted itself. The Dilma-model, in spite of promising first signs, is proving little better. By all accounts, her “bossy boots” style is ill-suited to the collaborative persuasion required by Brazil’s particular brand of coalition politics. Decision-making has been centralised, which checks corruption but slows process. Ms Rousseff has also consistently eschewed market-orientated reforms in favour of protectionism for preferred industries, and their lobbies: witness the coddled car sector. There is a lack of policy articulation, and follow through.
A classic example is infrastructure. Brazil wants to raise billions of dollars to build new ports, airports, bridges and roads. There is interest from investors, and hard commitments from them too. Yet, amazingly, the regulatory framework is not properly in place that would allow the new infrastructure to be built. Money is being left on the table, unnecessarily.
Brazil desperately needs more investment. Low national savings means much of the funding must come from abroad. Capital is cheap at the moment, but won’t be forever. Brazil has a great window of opportunity. Ms Rousseff and her government needs to make things happen while it remains open. (Financial Times)
Menschenrechtssamba von Jorge Aragao: http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2010/11/24/der-irak-ist-hier-menschenrechtssamba-von-jorge-aragao-erneut-recht-aktuell-in-der-olympia-stadt-rio-de-janeiro/
Samba anklicken: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkvjkxERac4
Zeitgeist-Waffen-Rap aus Rio de Janeiro: http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2010/07/01/hit-der-fusball-wm-in-sudafrika-rap-das-armas-aus-rio-de-janeiro-musik-des-berlinale-gewinners-tropa-de-elite-anklicken-zeitgeist/
Rap anklicken: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZthNYozVwNM
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