Published time: May 23, 2014 12:33
Edited time: May 23, 2014 13:08
Screenshot from
Accident, Military, Thrills&Spills, Ukraine
Ukrainian helicopter gunships shot at a Ukrainian military checkpoint in Donetsk Region in the aftermath of a night battle, a video presumably shot by one of the soldiers indicates. Apparently, Kiev’s troops suffer from gross lack of communications.
The eight-minute video on YouTube was shot near the town of Volnovakha in Ukraine’s Donetsk Region, according to the description. It shows a group of armed uniformed men with Ukrainian army insignia and at least two others in civilian clothes taking cover behind a military truck.
The vehicle is at a field and the men are observing from a distance a woodland belt separating on the field border At least two vans are seen and fire burns among the trees. Sporadic gunfire can be heard, possibly from ammunition detonating in the fire, and then a massive explosion erupts at the camp. The soldiers discuss whether they should fall back.
Then two Mil Mi-24 helicopter gunships start barraging at low altitude over the area. After several passes the aircraft start barraging the burning camp from their cannons.
“What are their doing?” one of the soldiers exclaims in surprise. “Are they ours?” “Who the f*** else?”another replies.
The group hastily flees the scene, but the cameraman continues shooting the footage, cursing and praying as he runs.
A couple of minutes later he gets to another woodland belt. He approaches another Ukrainian military man, who is speaking on a mobile phone.
“Who are they shooting at?” the man says. “There are civilians and our soldiers there. Do you have a line to the army aviation, what the f*** is happening?”
Ernennung von Hunter Biden kurz nach Besuch des Vaters bei den Marionetten in Kiew.
Ausriß. Friedensnobelpreisträger Barack Obama, Joe Biden und Hunter Biden – neuer Vorstand der Ukraine-Energie-Holding Burisma. Das US-Ukraine-Engagement wird immer lohnender.
Per Google-Suche hat man rasch heraus, welche deutschen Medien im Ukraine-Kontext bisher verschwiegen, daß sich die USA-Führung weltweit häufig Nazis und Faschisten bediente, um wirtschaftliche Interessen effizient zu verfolgen:
Fotos, Videos von der Front:
“Two [Mi-]24s and one [Mi-]8 arrived. They are flying over our checkpoint and shooting at our checkpoint,”the report continues. “There are lots of corpses there. We were dousing the burning BMP [infantry combat vehicle], we thought the Mi-8 was going to pick up the bodies. Now they are shooting.”
Ukrainian troops use their helicopters in the fight against the local armed militias opposing Kiev’s rule to destroy hardware damaged in the clashes to prevent it from falling into the hands of the militias. Miscommunication among the troops could have led to the aviation command believing that the checkpoint was taken over by the militias.
The video was uploaded on YouTube on Tuesday, which puts the timing of the video hours after a night attack on the military checkpoint near Volnovakha. The attack may not have been a militia raid, but rather a case of friendly fire, in which one pro-Kiev unit mistakenly attacked another unit.
The battle left at least 16 Ukrainian troops killed and 30 others injured.
tags: scholl-latour und desinformation, ukraine-kalter krieg 2014
”Paris Match” – stimmt diese Version – oder die der “tagesthemen”?
Deutsche TV-Berichterstattung in der Woche vor den Ukraine-Wahlen – der Fall Krasnoarmeisk:
“Members of the Ukrainian ultra-nationalist group Pravy Sektor took part in a commando-style raid against the Donbass referendum last Sunday, killing two unarmed civilians in the town of Krasnoarmeysk, an investigation by Paris Match has found.” Paris Match
The crowd rushes in to help, without measuring the full scale of the incident. For, a few metres behind, Vadim Khoudich has just collapsed. « He wasn’t armed, he wasn’t aggressive in any way, he wasn’t even doing anything, » says his friend and neighbour Vitalik Naydiomov. On the video he shows us, one of the masked gunmen is clearly visible at a first-floor window.
Vadim, a 38-year-old plumber, died on the spot.© DR/PARIS MATCH
« It’s no stray bullet : the doctor told us he’d shot to kill, directly. » In front of the town hall, a hole in the tarred ground shows where the incoming round hit. Vadim died on the spot. A single bullet struck him in the chin, and ripped through his spine on the way out. Fellow protestors dragged him onto a lawn, powerless, just as the gunmen were jumping into their minivan to leave. As they departed, Youri Nikolenko angrily tossed a stone at the them.
Youri Nikolenko throws a stone at the gunmen.© DR/PARIS MATCH
The 48-year-old was struck back by a lethal bullet to the right shoulder. He is pictured collapsing, just in front of Vadim’s corps. Paris Match
Kabarett “Die Anstalt” zur deutschen Medienstruktur:
“Sei Sand im Getriebe der Zeit”, Kabarettist Hans-Dieter Hüsch
“Wahlhelfer” Rechter Sektor:
Die offizielle ukrainische Nachrichtenagentur Ukrinform am Donnerstag:
KYIV, May 22 /Ukrinform/. The Right Sector will help the police to ensure order at the elections on May 25.
Right Sector leader, presidential candidate Dmytro Yarosh told a briefing Thursday.
“We will involve our activists in such actions, who are members of the territorial defense battalions, and simply people, who are able to defend the right of the Ukrainian people to vote. And not only in the east, but in the center, and also in Kyiv, our people will help law-enforcement bodies to ensure order,” Yarosh said.
At the same time, he urged residents of Ukraine’s east not to be afraid of Russian saboteurs and militants, to show maximum activity and to vote for a candidate, who is not a representative of the anti-state forces.
“Putsch in Kiew: Welche Rolle spielen die Faschisten?” ARD-Panorama:
Die Unterstützung nazistisch-antisemitischer Kräfte durch hochrangige mitteleuropäische Politiker hat lange Tradition – die Beziehungen von Willy Brandt und Helmut Schmidt – offizielle Symbole des Anschlusses von 1990 – zur nazistisch-antisemitisch orientierten Folterdiktatur Brasiliens. Ähnliche systematische Mediensteuerung wie derzeit im Fall der Ukraine-Krise – deutsche Medien verschweigen fast durchweg die wichtige Rolle hochrangiger Bonner Politiker beim Unterstützen, politischen Aufwerten der nazistisch-antisemitisch orientierten Folterdiktatur Brasiliens.
Willy Brandt und die Folterdiktatur Brasiliens:
“Du hättest alle Juden töten sollen”:
« Ukraine 2014 – faschistischer Rechter Sektor als „Wahlhelfer“ bei Urnengang am Sonntag. Wie „Paris Match“ jene Killerattacke von Krasnoarmeisk schildert, die „tagesthemen“ entgegengesetzt darstellt. Weiter warten auf Reaktionen von Merkel, Steinmeier, Ischinger, Gauck etc. zur Rolle des Rechten Sektors bei der Wahlfarce. – „Russia will work with whoever elected in Ukraine – Putin“. Faschistischer Rechter Sektor als „Wahlhelfer“ bei Urnengang am Sonntag. »
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