Published time: May 23, 2014 10:42
Edited time: May 23, 2014 12:54
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin speaks during a session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2014 (SPIEF 2014) in St. Petersburg May 23, 2014.(Reuters / Sergei Karpukhin)
Politics, Putin, Russia, Sanctions, Ukraine
Though Ukraine continues to plunge into chaos, Russia is ready to work with whoever is elected in the presidential elections on May 25, President Vladimir Putin said. He added that after the ballot all military actions must be stopped in the country.
“We are now working with these people who control the power, but after the elections we will work with newly-elected structures,” he said.
Putin said that Russia will respectively treat the results of presidential elections in Ukraine on Sunday.
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Fotos, Videos von der Front:
“We understand and see that people in Ukraine want their country to escape this long-drawn-out crisis. [Russia] wants some relief [in Ukraine],” he said.
The president said he hopes that as soon as the elections are held, all military actions will be stopped in the country.
“The situation [in Ukraine] is becoming worse as Kiev authorities continue their punitive operation in the east of the country. The military actions don’t stop. [They] use artillery, tanks, APCs. The shells fall at houses, peaceful civilians die,” he said.
Putin believes that the conditions for Ukraine’s elections do not correspond to international standards.
“[Armored personnel carriers] are firing there and journalists are being captured and detained … What are the conditions for holding the elections?”
Meanwhile, Putin accused Western authorities in snobbism and unwillingness to open dialogue with Russia.
Russia is tired of how the West discusses Ukraine’s crisis with Moscow with ‘It’s none of your concern’ answers,” said Putin.
He said that Russia had offered dialogue with Western countries, but hasn’t received any consultations, only slogans.
“Look, they made a coup, but they don’t want to talk to us. What thoughts do we have? The next step is that Ukraine joins NATO. We have never been asked and we don’t have any dialogue,” he noted.
“We say, ‘Military infrastructure is approaching our [Russian] borders.’ [They say] ‘Don’t worry, it’s not against you.’”
So tomorrow Ukraine may join NATO, and tomorrow the US Missile defense will be located there, Putin added.
Still Putin says he believes that the situation in the crisis-torn country will calm down and relations between Moscow and Kiev soon become normal.
Russia gave free will to the citizens of Crimea, otherwise the peninsula would have seen the same massacre that happened in Odessa on May 2, President Vladimir Putin said.
“If we hadn’t done this [in Crimea], we would have had more tragedies than those which we now see in some Ukrainian cities, for example, in Odessa, where unarmed people have been burned alive: Fifty people have been burned, another 50 went missing. Where are they? They are killed, too,” Putin said at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum.
A protester walks past a burning pro-Russian tent camp near the trade union building in Odessa May 2, 2014. (Reuters / Yevgeny Volokin)
He added that Russia has a clear position on Crimea.
“We gave free will to Crimean citizens. They arrived at the referendum [March, 16] and voted for their own future,” he said, adding that it is impossible to make more than 90 percent of the voters to come for the referendum and vote for joining Russia.
The problems with Ukrainian and Crimea are caused by the absence of trust in the world, believes the Russian president.
“To gain trust in the world, we need dialogue,” he said, adding that Russia counts on the constructive dialogue with the EU on a new partnership deal.
Meanwhile, Putin believes that after the February coup, Ukraine plunged into chaos.
“Where sis Ukraine’s crisis come from? It appeared because the Ukrainian president [ousted Viktor Yanukovich] delayed the association agreement with the EU,” he said. “The civil coup supported by American and European partners came afterwards. What next? Chaos, and now what we see is a full-scale civil war.“
Speaking on the sanctions issued by Western countries on Russia, Putin said that they have a boomerang effect.
“Isn’t it evident that economic sanctions as an instrument of political pressure have a boomerang effect and finally affect the businesses and economies of the countries which issued them [sanctions],” said Putin.
The Odessa Massacre erupted on May 2 after clashes between anti-government protesters and radicals supporting the coup-imposed authorities in Kiev. The confrontation led to a tragedy that left 48 people dead and over 200 injured as nationalists burnt the protester camp and then set fire to the Trade Unions House with anti-Kiev activists trapped inside.
According to witnesses, many of those who managed to escape the flames were then strangled or beaten with bats by radicals. Several victims reportedly died of gunshots, while others were burnt alive or jumped out of windows in a desperate attempt to escape the deadly flames.
tags: scholl-latour und desinformation, ukraine-kalter krieg 2014
”Paris Match” – stimmt diese Version – oder die der “tagesthemen”?
Deutsche TV-Berichterstattung in der Woche vor den Ukraine-Wahlen – der Fall Krasnoarmeisk:
“Members of the Ukrainian ultra-nationalist group Pravy Sektor took part in a commando-style raid against the Donbass referendum last Sunday, killing two unarmed civilians in the town of Krasnoarmeysk, an investigation by Paris Match has found.” Paris Match
The crowd rushes in to help, without measuring the full scale of the incident. For, a few metres behind, Vadim Khoudich has just collapsed. « He wasn’t armed, he wasn’t aggressive in any way, he wasn’t even doing anything, » says his friend and neighbour Vitalik Naydiomov. On the video he shows us, one of the masked gunmen is clearly visible at a first-floor window.
Vadim, a 38-year-old plumber, died on the spot.© DR/PARIS MATCH
« It’s no stray bullet : the doctor told us he’d shot to kill, directly. » In front of the town hall, a hole in the tarred ground shows where the incoming round hit. Vadim died on the spot. A single bullet struck him in the chin, and ripped through his spine on the way out. Fellow protestors dragged him onto a lawn, powerless, just as the gunmen were jumping into their minivan to leave. As they departed, Youri Nikolenko angrily tossed a stone at the them.
Youri Nikolenko throws a stone at the gunmen.© DR/PARIS MATCH
The 48-year-old was struck back by a lethal bullet to the right shoulder. He is pictured collapsing, just in front of Vadim’s corps. Paris Match
Kabarett “Die Anstalt” zur deutschen Medienstruktur:
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“Wahlhelfer” Rechter Sektor:
Die offizielle ukrainische Nachrichtenagentur Ukrinform am Donnerstag:
KYIV, May 22 /Ukrinform/. The Right Sector will help the police to ensure order at the elections on May 25.
Right Sector leader, presidential candidate Dmytro Yarosh told a briefing Thursday.
“We will involve our activists in such actions, who are members of the territorial defense battalions, and simply people, who are able to defend the right of the Ukrainian people to vote. And not only in the east, but in the center, and also in Kyiv, our people will help law-enforcement bodies to ensure order,” Yarosh said.
At the same time, he urged residents of Ukraine’s east not to be afraid of Russian saboteurs and militants, to show maximum activity and to vote for a candidate, who is not a representative of the anti-state forces.
“Putsch in Kiew: Welche Rolle spielen die Faschisten?” ARD-Panorama:
Die Unterstützung nazistisch-antisemitischer Kräfte durch hochrangige mitteleuropäische Politiker hat lange Tradition – die Beziehungen von Willy Brandt und Helmut Schmidt – offizielle Symbole des Anschlusses von 1990 – zur nazistisch-antisemitisch orientierten Folterdiktatur Brasiliens. Ähnliche systematische Mediensteuerung wie derzeit im Fall der Ukraine-Krise – deutsche Medien verschweigen fast durchweg die wichtige Rolle hochrangiger Bonner Politiker beim Unterstützen, politischen Aufwerten der nazistisch-antisemitisch orientierten Folterdiktatur Brasiliens.
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“Du hättest alle Juden töten sollen”:
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