This week, the Palestinian Authority and the Fatah Movement „celebrated“ the anniversary of the Coastal Road massacre, in which 37 Israelis were murdered in cold blood, including 12 children. On 11 March 1978, a group of terrorists from the Fatah Movement, led by Dalal Mughrabi, murdered Gail Rubin, an American tourist, then hijacked a bus and indiscriminately murdered its passengers.
Over the past few days, the event has been commemorated in high-profile public celebrations throughout the Palestinian Authority, as a hallmark of Palestinian heroism. The glorification by the PA of the 1978 female arch-terrorist Dalal Mughrabi is directly linked to the Palestinian terrorists who operate today, perpetrating murderous attacks with the encouragement of the PA.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has requested Ambassador Danny Danon, the Permanent Representative of Israel to the UN, to submit a complaint against the PA, for turning a loathsome terrorist into a role model for Palestinian society as a wave of Palestinian terrorism and violence continues to rage, fed by a murderous campaign of incitement.
It is intolerable that generations of Palestinians are being educated to hatred of Jews and adoration of murderers.
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