Ausriß – von einem Terrorkommando Kiews im Mai 2014 ermordeter Zivilist. Keinerlei Protest von Merkel, Steinmeier, Gauck etc. gegen die sich häufenden Morde an Andersdenkenden der Ostukraine. Von Protesten Steinmeiers bei seinem neuesten Besuch in Kiew ist nichts bekannt…
US-Söldner in der Ostukraine 2014:
Kleiner Leitfaden der Manipulationstricks von Medien und Politikern in der Ukrainekrise 2014:
Ukraine communist leader: Kiev labeled 7 mn people ‚terrorists,‘ slaughtered civilians
Published time: May 13, 2014 20:43
A boy places flowers in front of a gutted police station building in Mariupol, eastern Ukraine May 10, 2014.(Reuters / Marko Djurica)
The leader of Ukraine’s Communist Party says the Kiev regime killed peaceful civilians in the country’s southeast, and is spreading lies about the real situation. The Ukrainian parliament is now seeking to expel communists and ban their activity.
“In Maripoul there was a slaughter of civilians, a mass murder. The number of those killed, first of all among peaceful civilians, is being concealed. A peaceful demonstration was shot at on May 9 and it was a show murder carried out by the current regime. There was a shooting of peaceful civilians, there was no one with weapons there. When you, using armored personnel carrier guns, killed a family of three, shot [them] in their kitchen, this is what you must be held accountable for; there is blood on your hands today,”Communist Party leader Pyotr Simonenko said, addressing Ukraine’s coup-appointed acting President Aleksandr Turchinov while speaking at parliament’s conciliatory council on May 12.
Simonenko, who is a presidential candidate, was referring to the armed assault of Kiev’s army on Mariupol’s police headquarters on May 9, when nine people were killed and another 49 were injured, including a freelance video journalist working for RT.
“In Mariupol [you] killed and shot down police department personnel only for refusal to comply with the criminal order to disperse protesters during the May 9 demonstration,” Simonenko said.
Simonenko has called on Kiev to stop its “anti-terrorist operation,” saying it has now turned into a“terrorist operation against its own people.”
“You declared seven million people living in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions as ‚terrorists.‘ They went out yesterday [to vote in the referendum], stood in lines since 6 a.m. to vote against Kiev rule, against this regime, against your policy,” he said.
Ending the military operation in Ukraine’s southeast is “the first of what the Communist Party demands.”It is also calling on Kiev to accept the results of the federalization referendum.
“Your policy resulted in Ukraine losing Crimea. Now your policy is leading to the point where seven million people of Ukraine, 30 percent of the country’s GDP, reject their future with Ukraine,” he stressed.
According to Simonenko, the recent events in the cities of Odessa and Mariupol show that Kiev is trying to impose a “nationalist-fascist regime.”
Leader of the Communist Party of Ukraine Pyotr Simonenko.(RIA Novosti / Vladimir Fedorenko)
“These events show that those who had another point of view were burned in a fire of inquisition at the Odessa Trade Unions House. They were burned alive! They were utterly beaten with metal rods when they tried to leave the building or jump out of windows. They were destroyed because they, Ukrainian citizens, had a different point of view,” he said.
In response to Simonenko’s accusations, coup-appointed acting President Aleksandr Turchinov heckled the Communist Party leader and accused him of lies and dissemination of false information.
„You have neither conscience nor honor. Take your place, liar. I order you to stop your speech,“ Turchinov said, claiming the Kiev forces “protected” law enforcement in the city of Mariupol from unknown attackers who had tried to seize the police department building.
Turchinov then asked the country’s Justice Ministry to look into the Communist Party’s alleged separatist activities and possibly ban the group.
“I would ask the Justice Ministry to look into this issue and if there is proof, to send the material to court and ban the Communist Party in Ukraine,” he said. “There is a lot of information and material in regard to the participation of the Communist Party’s representatives in the organization of terrorist and separatist activities,” Turchynov added.
The Communist Party says there are no legal grounds for such a measure.
The leader of the nationalist Svoboda party, presidential candidate Oleg Tyagnibok, has claimed that his party has collected documents that would allow the Justice Ministry to ban the Communist Party and the Party of Regions. The latter has also spoken against Kiev’s actions in southeast Ukraine and called on officials to stop their “punitive” actions. In order to prevent Ukraine from splitting, Kiev should “sit down at a negotiation table,” the Party of Regions stressed.
“To listen to you Mr. Turchinov, as you said, only 30 percent of people of Donbass voted. I want to remind you that this is 2.5 million people; they expressed their will. In any country in the world, 2.5 million people is a real power, which a government should listen to,” Party of Regions representative Nikolay Levchenko said at the Ukrainian parliament, Verkhovna Rada, while calling Kiev officials “neo-Nazis” and “bandits.”
Simonenko also slammed the Victory Day speech of Kherson Governor Yury Odarchenko, who stated that Hitler tried to liberate Ukraine.
“At the Victory Day celebration, he says that Hitler did the right thing when he invaded our country to ‘liberate’ the people of Ukraine from communists. This was said by a person who is either an idiot or a thug,” Simonenko said.
Odarchenko responded by saying he will sue Simonenko.
“I am suing you for a bald-faced lie, for slander, for cowardly and shameful propaganda,” Odarchenko told the Communist Party leader.
Though Odarchenko says Simonenko’s accusations are a lie, the moment when he said the statement about Hitler was caught on video.
The Communist Party of Ukraine, which has been openly speaking against Kiev’s coup-imposed regime since February, has faced increased confrontation since last week. On May 6, Ukrainian lawmakers accused the group of separatism and expelled it from a closed-door parliamentary hearing. It was the first time in Ukraine’s post-Soviet history that such a decision had been made.
tags: scholl-latour und desinformation, ukraine-kalter krieg 2014
Published time: May 13, 2014 21:05
Ukrainian servicemen on the road between Kramatorsk and Slavyansk.(RIA Novosti / Maks Vetrov)
Mass media, Military, Russia, Ukraine
Ukrainian armed forces have opened fire on journalists from Russia’s LifeNews working near the city of Kramatorsk, eastern Ukraine, where fighting broke out between self-defense forces and Kiev’s army.
The shooting began around 1 p.m. as three members of a LifeNews crew tried to enter the village of Oktyabrskoe following the fighting. The village is located some 20 kilometers from Kramatorsk.
“We saw that machines were gone and the shooting stopped like half-an-hour ago. We tried to enter the premises of the village to find out what happened to locals, if they needed help, and if there were wounded among them,” reporter Oleg Sidyakin told RT. “But as we got closer to the outskirts of the village, we ran into an armored troop carrier with a Ukrainian flag on it and armed people in black uniforms. We were going in a car with ‘TV’ stickers, indicating that were are press. We stuck hands out of windows, but first there came one shot and then machine gun fire.”
Sidyakin said he did not know where the shots were aimed – in the air or above their heads – but still decided to turn away and move to a safer location, in order to avoid provoking armed people.
“I had to make such decision because I could not put in danger the lives of a driver and a cameraman,” he said.
The LifeNews reporter said that local residents were shocked, stating that some of them hid in basements. Many still cannot return home. Sidyakin said that phone communication was cut off, which “as self-defense forces told us, is a sign of an ‘active phase’ of the military operation” conducted by Kiev forces.
Fighting between Kiev’s army and local self-defense groups broke out in the afternoon near Oktyabrskoe.
“It was around noon. The Ukrainian army was taking ammunitions to the city of Kramatorsk,” local resident Vladimir told RT, citing his friend Aleksandr, who lives nearby. “There is the village of Oktyabrskoe, where there is a bridge [on the way]. Our self-defense blew up a vehicle with ammunition and set Kiev’s APC on fire,” he said.
According to Kiev’s Defense Ministry, a group of around 30 self-defense troops “ambushed a convoy of armored vehicles of one of the military units.”
The ministry said the self-defense group came to the scene beforehand and hid in bushes along the river.
“The first shot from a grenade launcher targeted the engine of an APC, which came up to the bridge. There was an explosion. Another APC tried to pull away the damaged machine that caught fire further away from the village. The soldiers engaged in the fight,” the ministry’s statement read.
Kiev says that six of its army fighters were killed and another eight injured, with one in critical condition.
Hours after the fight, self-defense units confirmed that they “destroyed two of the enemy’s APCs.” They also reported that one of their militiamen died.
“It is true that there was an armed clash,” the Kramatorsk self-defense unit told Interfax. “The enemy retreated.”
The fight near Kramatorsk is the latest in a string of local fights as Kiev continues to conduct its “punitive operation” against anti-government activists in southeastern Ukraine, which began May 2.
tags: scholl-latour und desinformation, ukraine-kalter krieg 2014
Daß der deutsche Außenminister Steinmeier die deutsche Öffentlichkeit nicht darüber aufklären würde, welche Rolle derzeit der US-Geheimdienst CIA in der Kiewer Regierung sowie bei der Bekämpfung von Regimegegnern der Ostukraine, u.a. mit US-Elitesöldnern, spielt, hatte man sich denken können. Angesichts des enormen Interesses deutscher Medienkonsumenten – sichtbar u.a. in den Leserzuschriften – wäre indessen zu erwarten gewesen, daß Mitarbeiter der sogenannten freien Presse Deutschlands bei Pressekonferenzen, Pressekontakten in Kiew und Odessa entsprechende Fragen stellen, Nachforschungen betreiben. Die deutschen Medienkonsumenten wurden enttäuscht – nichts dergleichen geschah. Auch über die Notwendigkeit unabhängiger Untersuchungsausschüsse, die sich den Todesschüssen vom Maidan auf Polizisten u n d Demonstranten sowie den Hintergründen des Odessa-Massakers widmen müßten, las, hörte, sah man nichts in deutschen Medien.
Stimmt die von Präsident Janukowitsch genannte Zahl? Deutsche Medienvertreter hätten nachfragen müssen/sollen.
Ausriß – von einem Terrorkommando Kiews im Mai 2014 ermordeter Zivilist.
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Steinmeier zum Sinn von Sanktionen:
Steinmeier als Vermittler in Kiew – bei Marionettenregierung?
Wie deutsche Medien am Tag der Kiew-und Odessa-Reise Steinmeiers sklavisch Angaben der Putschregierung übernehmen:
« „Kiev military unit shoots at Russian journalists after fight near Kramatorsk“. Steinmeier in Kiew und Odessa – aktuelle Manipulationstricks… – Ukraine 2014: Noch mehr westliche Milliarden für die faschistische Putschregierung in Kiew, für Rechtsextremisten, Neonazis, Antisemiten, SS-Verherrlicher…Steinmeier in Kiew und Odessa – aktuelle Manipulationstricks. Weiter warten auf Proteste aus Berlin, Brüssel, Washington gegen die Ermordung ostukrainischer Zivilisten durch Terrorkommandos Kiews. »
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