KYIV, May 26 /Ukrinform/. NATO congratulates the people of Ukraine on the conduct of free and democratic presidential elections, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said in a statement on Monday
“I congratulate the people of Ukraine, who peacefully exercised their right to vote in Sunday’s presidential election. They showed their commitment to freedom and democracy and their determination to decide their own future,” the NATO chief said.
He commended the considerable efforts of the Ukrainian authorities to organize the election throughout the country.
“Despite the criminal violence, intimidation and provocation by pro-Russian separatists, who tried to deny the people of Ukraine their democratic right, the election was declared by international observers to be largely in line with international commitments and respectful of fundamental freedoms,” Rasmussen noted.
He added that NATO is committed to its distinctive partnership with Ukraine. “We look forward to continuing our cooperation with the new president, and we will continue to support efforts to find a peaceful resolution to this crisis,” the Secretary General emphasized.
He reassured that NATO Allies will not recognize Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea adding that NATO supports Ukraine’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, and the right of the Ukrainian people to determine their own future, without outside interference.
Kiew bezahlt zwar ausstehende Gasrechnungen an Rußland in Milliardenhöhe nicht, investiert aber Milliarden in Terroreinsätze gegen die antinazistischen Regierungsgegner der Ostukraine – bekommt dafür Beifall aus Berlin, Brüssel, Washington.
Video über mutmaßliche Wahlfälschung in Odessa:
“ This video – which, according to the description was filmed in the port city of Odessa – shows a violation of the voting process at one of polling stations.”
Ausriß. Wahlbeamte steckt zahlreiche Wahlzettel in die Wahlurnen – was war da los?
KYIV, May 26 /Ukrinform/. German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier congratulated Poroshenko on an „impressive“ result at the early elections of the President of Ukraine.
The German Foreign Minister said on Monday in Berlin, a special Ukrinform correspondent in Germany reports.
„I congratulate Poroshenko on an impressive result of the elections,“ Frank-Walter Steinmeier said.
According to him, the voters in Ukraine were clear about „the completion of confrontation, chaos and corruption“ and the national unity.
As the German diplomat noted, challenging tasks are waiting for the newly elected President of Ukraine. He emphasized the importance of a dialogue with the country’s east, because without this the political and economic stabilization cannot be achieved. Given this, Steinmeier supported Poroshenko’s plans first to visit Ukraine’s east.
The German Foreign Minister expressed the expectation that all OSCE member states recognize the assessment of the OSCE observation mission.
Poroschenkos „Ministerpräsident“ Jazenjuk:
Wahlfarce und Manipulationstricks:
Faktenlage und Versionen – Fall Krasnoarmeisk/Tagesthemen:
Verschweigen des politischen Profils der Kiewer Marionettenregierung – und ihrer Gegner:
« Ukraine 2014 – Wahlfarce und Manipulationstrick „Krim-Annexion“. Trotz klarer Argumentation von Völkerrechtlern(Reinhard Merkel, Hamburg etc.) halten sich deutsche Medien in Wahlanalysen weiter an die – falschen – Sprachregelungen…Keinerlei Hinweis auf Wahlfälschungen. – Ukraine 2014 – die Wahlfarce. Poroschenko zeigt bemerkenswertes demagogisches Talent, nennt antinazistische Gegner der faschistischen Putschregierung „Terroristen“, die einen „Banditenstaat“ errichtet hätten. Poroschenko vergleicht die Regierungsgegner allen Ernstes mit „somalischen Piraten“. »
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