A United Nations (PNUD) report in July showed Brazil as having the third worst inequality index in the world. With regard to rich and poor, our country ties with Ecuador and is behind Bolivia, Haiti, Madagascar, Cameroon, Thailand and South Africa.
Brasiliens kuriose Armutsgrenze: http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2010/09/17/mit-rund-500-euro-familieneinkommen-in-brasilien-schon-mittelschicht-was-in-europa-gut-ankommt/
Insider der Arbeiterpartei PT betonen, Lula sei einst von den deutschen Automultis aufgebaut worden.
Brasilien – Daten, Statistiken: http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2011/09/20/brasilien-daten-statistiken-bewertungen-rankings/
Straßenkinder in Sao Paulo – direkt an abgasverseuchter City-Avenida.
We have one of the planet’s worst distributions of wealth. Amongst the 15 countries with the greatest difference between rich and poor, 10 are in Latin America and the Caribbean. Women, (who earn lower salaries than men) blacks and indigenous are the most affected by social inequality. In Brazil 5.1% of white people survive with the equivalent of US$30.00 a month (approximately R$54.00 in Brazilian currency). The percentage increases to 10.6% with regard to indigenous and Afro Brazilians.
In Latin America the lowest rates of inequality are in Costa Rica, Argentina, Venezuela and Uruguay. The UN points to lack of education, unjust fiscal policy, low salaries and the difficulty to dispose of basic services such as health, sanitation and transport as the main causes of social disparity.
It is true that during the past ten years the Brazilian government invested in the reduction of poverty. However it was not possible to avoid inequality being propagated amongst future generations. According to the UN 58% of the Brazilian population maintain the same social profile of poverty for two generations. In Canada and Scandinavian countries this index is 19%.
Access to quality education is what particularly allows for the reduction of inequality. In Brazil in each group of 100 inhabitants only 9 have a university degree. Suffice to say that every year 130,000 young people in the whole of Brazil enter engineering courses. There are 50,000 places still available… and only 30,000 reach graduation. The rest give up due to a lack of capability to proceed with their studies, or of means to pay the monthly fees or the need to drop the course so as to guarantee them a place in the labour market.
135 million Brazilians will vote in this year’s elections, 53% of whom did not finish primary school. What future has this country got if the bloodletting of lack of education is not stopped?
Yes, there are improvements in our country. Between 2001 and 2008 the income of the poorest 10% grew six times more rapidly than that of the richest 10%. The income of the rich grew 11.2% as against 72% of that of the poorest. However according to IPEA (Institute for Applied Economic Research) this index has not changed in 25 years: half the total income in Brazil is in the hands of the wealthiest 10% in the country and 10% of the national wealth is divided amongst the poorest 50%.
In order to bring about a drastic reduction in the inequality which reigns in our country it is urgent to promote agrarian reform and to multiply mechanisms such as social welfare which transfer wealth. 81.2 million Brazilians today benefit from the pension system which definitely promotes the distribution of wealth.
More than half the population of Brazil own less than 3% of rural properties. Only 46,000 property owners own half of the land. The structure of our land is the same as it was during the Brazilian empire (1822-1889)! It is family agriculture and not the latifundium or agro business who give employment in rural areas. Family agriculture occupies only 24% of the land and yet employs 75% of rural workers.
The government’s programmes for transferring wealth – which include social welfare, Family Grant (Bolsa Familia) and pensions – nowadays represent 20% of the total of Brazilian families’ incomes. In 2008 18.7 million people survived on less than the minimum wage. If policies for this transference did not exist, it would be 40.5 million. This means that during the past few years Lula’s government helped 21.8 million people out of poverty. In 1978 only 8.3% of Brazilian families received any transference of income. In 2008 they were 58.3%.
To say that the government is “sustaining good-for-nothings” when it transfers income, is a fallacy. The government sustains “good-for-nothings” when it does not punish those who are corrupt, or practise nepotism, or put out false tenders or divert public funds. To transfer income to the poorest is a duty especially in a country where the government irrigates the financial market enlarging the fortunes of speculators who produce nothing. The question lies in teaching how to fish, instead of handing out the fish. In other words, doing away with Family Grants.
All studies prove that when the poorest obtain a higher income level they invest in quality of life like health, education and housing.
Brazil is rich, but it is not just.
Obdachloser alter Mann, mit Papperesten bekleidet, in der City von Sao Paulo.
-“Schönheit und Fäulnis”. Neue Zürcher Zeitung/NZZ – Klaus Hart:https://www.nzz.ch/schoenheit_und_faeulnis-1.700750
“Der Mann, der keine Angst hatte”:http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2016/12/16/der-mann-der-keine-angst-hatte-brasiliens-wichtigster-katholischer-befreiungstheologe-frei-betto-dez-2016-ueber-den-verstorbenen-kardinal-erzbischof-paulo-evaristo-arns/
Brasilienkenner Günther Zgubic – Hintergrundtexte:http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2016/12/27/oesterreichs-katholischer-priester-guenther-zgubic-unter-den-besten-kennern-brasiliens/
Lula – Hintergrundtexte:http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2016/07/30/brasilien-2016-lula-von-westlichen-regierungen-eu-westlichem-mainstreamlula-superstar-jahrelang-bejubelt-wird-vor-gericht-gestelltpetrobras-affaere-die-ur/
Brasilien und Drogen – Hintergrundtexte:http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2017/01/18/aus-brasilien-nichts-neues-2017-drogensuechtige-die-in-grosser-zahl-crack-konsumieren-blockieren-in-der-city-von-sao-paulo-immer-wieder-sogar-strassenkreuzungen-vertreibt-die-polizei-diese-crack-h/
Kirche in Brasilien – Hintergrundtexte:http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2013/11/05/brasilien-%E2%80%93-kirche-und-gesellschaft-sammelbandtexte/
Juden in Brasilien, Lateinamerika – Hintergrundtexte:http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2008/11/05/juden-in-brasilien-hintergrundtexte-der-letzten-jahre-mit-dem-arsch-zum-publikum/
Gefängnisse in Brasilien – Hintergrundtexte:http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2017/01/02/aus-brasilien-nichts-neues-gefaengnis-rebellion-zu-jahresbeginn-2017-mit-offiziell-60-toten-in-amazonas-millionenstadt-manaus-schauplatz-vieler-aehnlicher-gewaltausbrueche-warum-brasilien-strateg/#more-86916
Brasilien und Medien-Manipulation:http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2016/09/02/brasilien-2016-amtsenthebung-von-staatspraesidentin-dilma-rousseff-und-fortdauernde-manipulative-berichterstattung-des-europaeischen-mainstreams-ueber-die-situation-im-us-hinterhof-brasilien-rechts/
« Tip für Tanzfreunde: Zouk auf Forró-Rhythmen tanzen. – Tiririca, brasilianischer Clown und Sänger, mit möglichem Stimmenrekord bei brasilianischen Oktober-Pflichtwahlen. »
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