Klaus Hart Brasilientexte

Aktuelle Berichte aus Brasilien – Politik, Kultur und Naturschutz

„CONDEMNED HEROES“. Brasiliens wichtigster Befreiungstheologe Frei Betto. Die Terrorismusproblematik.

Donnerstag, 01. Dezember 2011 von Klaus Hart

“Os ultimos soldados da guerra fria” (The Cold War’s Last Soldiers), a book by Fernando Morais edited by the Companhia das Letras (2011), would have made 007’s author Ian Fleming envious had he not died in 1964 particularly because it proves that once again, reality surpasses fiction.

Suppose there was a bar at the corner of your street sheltering suspects of having assaulted houses in the neighbourhood. As a preventative measure you try to infiltrate a detective amongst them in order to protect your family. The police, with an eye on the scoundrels, identify the detective. Instead of arresting the thieves they jail the one who infiltrated…

This is what happened with five Cubans who, monitored by the Cuban intelligence services, infiltrated into anti Castro groups in Florida which were responsible for 681 terrorist attempts against Cuba resulting in the murder of 3478 people and causing serious injuries to another 2099.

Deutsche Medien, SPD-Steinmeier, Kubanerin Yoani Sanchez:http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2015/07/18/spd-steinmeier-in-kuba-2015-kein-treffen-mit-der-jahrelang-von-deutscher-seite-gehaetschelten-ober-dissidentin-yoani-sanchez-was-war-da-los-steinmeier-amtsvorgaenger-westerwelle-hatte-sanchez-off/




„The virtual family“. Frei Betto, Brasiliens wichtigster Befreiungstheologe. „Declaring my vote“.

Montag, 07. Juni 2010 von Klaus Hart

„Die Bloggerin Yoani und ihre Widersprüche.“ Brasiliens wichtigster Befreiungstheologe Frei Betto. „Recebe 14 milhoes de visitas por mes e esta disponi­vel em 18 idiomas! Nem o Departamento de Estado do EUA dispoe de tanta variedade linguistica. Quem paga os tradutores no exterior? Quem financia o alto custo do fluxo de 14 milhoes de acessos?“ Auffällig – bisher in Europa kaum Interesse für systemkritische Blogger Brasiliens. Lepra.

Samstag, 05. Dezember 2009 von Klaus Hart

O mundo soube que, a 7 de novembro ultimo, a blogueira cubana Yoani Sánchez teria sido golpeada nas ruas de Havana. Segundo relato dela, „jogaram-me dentro de um carro… arranquei um papel que um deles levava e o levei à boca. Fui golpeada para devolver o documento. Dentro do carro estava Orlando (marido dela), imobilizado por uma chave de karatê… Golpearam-me nos rins e na cabeça para que eu devolvesse o papel… Nos largaram na rua… Uma mulher se aproximou: „O que aconteceu?“ „Um sequestro“, respondi. (www.desdecuba.com/generaciony) Três dias depois do ocorrido nas ruas da Havana, Yoani Sánchez recebeu em sua casa a imprensa estrangeira. Fernando Ravsberg, da BBC, notou que, apesar de todas as torturas descritas por ela, „náo havia hematomas, marcas ou cicatrizes“ (BBC Mundo, 9/11/2009). O que foi confirmado pelas imagens da CNN. A France Press divulgou que ela „náo foi ferida.“

Obama nach Kuba 2016:http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2016/02/19/america-will-always-stand-for-human-rights-around-the-world-friedensnobelpreistraeger-barack-obama-mit-kuriosem-offenbar-nicht-ironisch-gemeintem-twitter-eintrag-zu-kuba/


Befreiungstheologe Frei Betto in Sao Paulo – Gesichter Brasiliens.

Kuba hat annähernd soviele Einwohner wie Rio de Janeiro, jedoch andere Sozialindikatoren – siehe UNO-Index für menschliche Entwicklung. Uruguay liegt auf Platz 50, Kuba auf Platz 51, Brasilien auf Platz 75. Bisher in Europa kaum Interesse für systemkritische Blogger Brasiliens, die gravierende Menschenrechtsverletzungen anklagen. Null Interesse für Scheiterhaufen-und Slumdiktatur-Problematik: http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2009/09/16/scheiterhaufenstadt-rio-de-janeiro-der-grausame-tod-einer-48-jahrigen-frau-in-der-microondas-laut-lokalzeitung/






„The Market of Faith“ – Brasiliens wichtigster Befreiungstheologe Frei Betto.

Samstag, 30. Mai 2009 von Klaus Hart

Churches compete for customers, just as supermarkets do. The difference is that the latter offer cheaper products while the Churches promise to alleviate suffering and to provide spiritual peace, prosperity and salvation.

At the moment there is no confrontation in this competition. But there are explicit prejudices in relation to other religious traditions and particularly to those rooted in African culture such as candomblé, macumba and spiritism.[1] <#_ftn1>



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