Ausriß, Kiew Post.
“With all respect to Boris Nemtsov, in a political view he did not pose any threat, meaning, of course, political [threat], for the current leadership of Russia or for Vladimir Putin. If we compare levels of popularity, ratings of Putin, the government as a whole, etc, then Boris Nemtsov was a little bit more [popular] than an average civilian,” Peskov told Kommersant Radio.. . RT
Ukrainischer Nazi-und Faschisten-Finanzierer, Milliardär und Oligarch Poroschenko reagierte sofort:
Kiew Post, Nemzow-Zitate: “I consider the war of Putin against Ukraine a crime, a real crime. This is not a war of Russia against Ukraine. This is a Putin’s war – absolutely cynical, absolutely bloody, fratricidal and false war. Why is he doing this? It is more or less clear too. First of all – everything he is doing he is doing to stay in power no matter what. Now he already wants to stay in power for lifetime. Because if he doesn’t he is going to pay at least for the official crime – sending Russian army to Ukraine. It is a crime because in June Russian Federation council deprived him of the right to send the army abroad, including Ukraine. The second reason – this is Putin’s revenge to Ukrainian nation for an anti-criminal revolution. And as a result the criminal president (Viktor Yanukovych) was ousted,“ Nemtsov said in an interview to Radio Liberty in Moscow that was published on Feb. 28, a day after Nemtsov was killed.
“Putin no longer wants an integral Ukraine by his side. This is in the past. Actually everything that was needed to be done to make Ukraine an enemy was already done by Putin. Everything needed to be done to make Ukraine run to NATO, Putin has already done. Everything needed to be done for Ukraine to never become a member of the Customs Union – Putin has already done. Basically everything he aimed to achieve towards Ukraine failed because of his own policy,“ Nemtsov said in an interview to Radio Liberty in Moscow that was published on Feb. 28, a day after Nemtsov was killed…
Ausriß – sinnlos verheizter ukrainischer Soldat – wird Poroschenko dafür zur Rechenschaft gezogen, von Merkel/Gauck/Steinmeier, NATO und EU kritisiert?
Ausriß. Poroschenko – der noch am Wahlsonntag eine Verstärkung des Krieges gegen die antinazistischen Regierungsgegner der Ostukraine angekündigt hatte. Die Fotos zeigen ermordete ostukrainische Zivilisten, darunter zwei Frauen, vom ersten Tag nach der Wahl.
…US President Barack Obama has condemned Nemtsov’s death, describing it as a “brutal murder,” the White House National Security Council said on Twitter. The council also called on Russia to conduct a“prompt, impartial and transparent investigation” and to “ensure those responsible are brought to justice.”… RT
„Der Putin-Gegner hatte bei vielen Besuchen in der Ukraine die neue prowestliche Führung in Kiew unterstützt.“ Tagesschau
Kriegsverbrechen Kiews nach wie vor nicht vor internationalem Tribunal in Den Haag geahndet: