Sao Paulo – „uma maquina de moer gente“:
Waldemar Rossi:
Frei Betto*
Many parents complain about their children’s lack of interest in altruistic, solidary or sustainable causes. They seem to think that a considerable number of young people simply seek wealth, beauty and power and no longer look to leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Che Guevara and Nelson Mandela who have been involved in social causes with ideals for a better world, as examples.
What does the new generation lack? There are no institutions which produce meaning. Life must have meaning. My generation, who were in their 20s in the 1960s, had churches, social movements and political organisations which produced meaning.
The Catholic Church, renewed by Vatican II, produced activists full of faith and idealism through Catholic Action and the Youth Ministry. We wanted to be new men and women and to create a new society based on personal ethics and social justice.
Frei Betto beim Website-Interview im Dominikanerkloster von Sao Paulo.