August 2017, Kirche Sankt Martin in Heiligenstadt: “Ich wünsche mir für meine Kirche: Nie wieder einen Kirchentag mit einem amerikanischen Kriegsverbrecher.” Zahlreiche Zettel dieser Art angebracht unübersehbar gleich am Eingang der Kirche – seit etwa einem Jahr. Gibt es andere evangelische Kirchen in Deutschland, die Systemkritik dieser Art zulassen – oder ist dies in regierungstreuen Kirchen verboten?
Ausriß SWR:
BLICK-Schweiz: „Nach Irak-Enthüllungen. Wikileaks-Chef hat Angst vor CIA-Kidnappern.“ „Ein Blutbad bisher unbekannten Ausmasses“, so beschreibt Wikileaks-Gründer Julian Assange den Inhalt der Dokumente.
–Großbritannien und die handverlesenen “Internationalen Experten” – wenn die britische Regierung bereits sicher weiß, daß es die Russen waren – warum dann noch zweiwöchige Laboruntersuchungen, gemäß Ankündigung vom 18.3. 2018? Was war da schief gelaufen bei Theresa May?
–The SUN:
Whenever Putin has threatened his neighbours or trampled on the basic rules of a peaceful world, Britain has called him out.
THE more we learn about the Salisbury attack the more disturbing it becomes.
On Friday it emerged that 131 innocent people may have been exposed to the Novichok nerve agent.
People ask me: Why us? Why did the Russian state choose to carry out this heinous act in Britain?
Of all the opponents of Vladimir Putin living around the world, why target Sergei Skripal in Salisbury?
The answer is that Britain is not alone in facing Russia’s reckless behaviour.
This latest brazen defiance of international rules is part of a pattern of behaviour — from the Crimea annexation, cyber attacks in Ukraine to the hacking of the Bundestag and Russian interference in European elections.
But the nature of our response says much about our country and its standing in the world.
We have consistently taken a strong and principled stand against the Kremlin, and galvanised the international response.
When Putin grabbed Crimea in 2014 and ignited the flames of conflict in eastern Ukraine, it was British diplomacy that persuaded the EU to impose sanctions.
When Putin sent his warplanes to join the blood-soaked campaign of the Assad dictatorship against the Syrian people, it was Britain who condemned his actions.
When Putin tried to cover up Assad’s repeated use of chemical weapons, it was our diplomats who ensured an international inquiry exposed how the Syrian regime was gassing its people.
And when Nato asked for troops to guard our most vulnerable allies against Russia, it was Britain who sent 800 soldiers to protect Estonia.
Whenever Putin has threatened his neighbours or trampled on the basic rules of a peaceful world, Britain has called him out.
Part of being a strong and self-confident country — a Global Britain with interests and influence all around the world — is that we must have the resolve to stand up for our values.
We knew there would be risks in opposing the Kremlin — resisting a bully is always risky.
But we did it anyway because we knew it to be right.
So I believe that what happened in Salisbury was, at least in part, the Kremlin’s way of hitting back at Britain for standing firm against its appalling behaviour.
Something else has been hugely encouraging since the attack — the overwhelming sense of unity between Parliament, the Government and the British people.
The outrage over what the Kremlin has done, and the determination to back the Government’s strong response, spans the floor of the Commons.
Yesterday the Kremlin said it would close the British Council and our Consulate in St Petersburg.
These futile measures will only punish ordinary Russians by depriving them of harmless opportunities to learn English and apply for UK visas.
Today Russia stands alone and isolated.
That fact demonstrates the most telling difference between Britain and Putin: we have friends across the world and he does not. Zitat „The Sun“ — alles pure Wahrheit oder Fake News?
„Today Russia stands alone and isolated“, Hat Boris Johnson Recht – oder lügt er? Zu den vielen wichtigen Partnerstaaten Rußlands zählt beispielsweise China…
„That fact demonstrates the most telling difference between Britain and Putin: we have friends across the world and he does not.“ Hat Boris Johnson Recht – oder lügt er? Zu Putins Freunden rund um den Erdball zählen wiederum u.a. beispielsweise Chinesen – wer nach Rußland reist, bemerkt sehr rasch, daß Bewohner des von einer kommunistischen Partei geführten China geradezu massenhaft Rußland besuchen, die mit Abstand größte Touristengruppe stellen.