SPD-Steinmeier 2015 in Kuba:http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2015/07/16/steinmeiers-historische-kubareise-tagesschau-2015/
Deutsche Medien, SPD-Steinmeier, Kubanerin Yoani Sanchez:http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2015/07/18/spd-steinmeier-in-kuba-2015-kein-treffen-mit-der-jahrelang-von-deutscher-seite-gehaetschelten-ober-dissidentin-yoani-sanchez-was-war-da-los-steinmeier-amtsvorgaenger-westerwelle-hatte-sanchez-off/
Frei Betto 2015: „Ich habe Fidel Castro dieses Jahr zweimal zu Gesprächen getroffen, sein Körper ist schwächer geworden, doch sein Kopf funktioniert weiter optimal. Das Ziel der USA ist weiterhin, Kuba zu bevormunden, wer weiß, sogar zu annektieren, in einen Satelliten der USA zu verwandeln. Ich hoffe, das Schicksal Kubas wird nicht das von Honduras, Guatemala, Mexiko sein. Es wäre triste, in Kuba das zu sehen, was es in den anderen Ländern gibt: Drogenmafia, Crack-Regionen, Familien unter Brücken lebend, gesellschaftlicher Ausschluß. Die Kubaner sind arm, haben aber die menschlichen Grundrechte garantiert: Ernährung, Gesundheit, Bildung. Kein anderes Land in Nord-und Südamerika respektiert die Menschenrechte so wie Kuba. Wer in der Menschheitsgeschichte die Menschenrechte am meisten verletzt, sind die USA. Kubas Kardinal Ortega erklärte jetzt: Es gibt heute keinen einzigen politischen Gefangenen auf Kuba. Der kubanische Sozialismus ist den Prinzipien des Evangeliums näher als der Kapitalismus der USA.“
Frei Betto*
The American continent celebrated the 78th birthday of the first pope born in these lands when he gifted us with his diplomatic ability: bringing the USA and Cuba closer together.
When Francis welcomed Obama to the Vatican in March 2014, he brought up the subject of the end of the blockade and the freeing of three of the five Cubans who had been jailed since 1998 in the US, accused of terrorism.
The truth is that the five were Cuban intelligence agents who, thanks to infiltrating into groups of anti Castro terrorists, avoided raids on Cuban territory. Now the three who remained in prison were exchanged for Alan Gross, a CIA agent and terrorist captured five years ago in Havana.
The blockade imposed on Cuba by the USA since 1962, violates all international treaties and, during the past few decades, has been ineffective since the European Union and many other countries, like Brazil, began to have diplomatic and commercial relations with the revolutionary Island.
Obama has admitted that “the isolation did not work” and he knows that the end of the blockade depends on the American Congress’ decision. But the green light has been turned on. And at its core is the commitment to restore diplomatic relations between Washington and Havana.
56 years after Revolution (to be celebrated on January 1, 2015), it is the Cuban people who gain from Obama’s withdrawal. They never stopped resisting heroically to the blockade, in spite of the situation in the country becoming worse due to the fall of the Berlin Wall and the dismantling of the Soviet Union.
If Cuba today receives one million Canadian tourists every year in winter, exchanging -20 degrees for 30 degrees in the Caribbean, and if in 2013 more than 600,000 Americans with Cuban roots visited Havana, the tourist potential for the US could fill Cuban coffers.
As well as exporting doctors, top professors and unequalled cigars, Cuba offers a tourist infrastructure lacking in violence and pollution.
Fidel, who has lived for a productive 88 years, must be happy with yet another victory, especially if we consider that he has survived eight US presidents and buried four and more than 20 CIA directors who swore they would eliminate him.
“Wir brauchen den Weltpolizisten Amerika”: http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2014/12/12/folterstaat-usa-wie-sich-deutsche-medien-2014-positionierenwir-brauchen-den-weltpolizisten-amerika-frankfurter-allgemeine-zeitung/
Folter auf Kuba – das US-Folter-KZ Guantanamo:
Angeli-Karikatur in der auflagenstärksten brasilianischen Qualitätszeitung “Folha de Sao Paulo” – Ausriß.
“Yes we can.”
„Wie man die Öffentlichkeit infiziert“:
“Si se puede!”
Verdeckte CIA-Operationen, US-Elitesöldner in der Ukraine – Nachrichtensperre in deutschen Medien: http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2014/12/17/rusland-sanktionen-2014-offene-zynische-freude-in-der-westlichen-welt-wenn-es-frauen-mannern-kindern-in-rusland-nun-schlechter-geht-vor-allem-den-nichtbetuchten-armen/