Frei Betto*
Why was the military action which supposedly killed Bin Laden named Operation Geronimo? In 1918 Prescott Bush was a member of a student society known as Skull and Bones. Challenged by his colleagues, he entered an Apache cemetery and made off with the scalp of the legendary Chief Geronimo.
It is curious to note that when announcing the assassination of Osama Bin Laden, the CIA did not exhibit his body, like they did, unnecessarily, the body of another “hunting trophy” – Ernesto Che Guevara.
Bin Laden left this life and entered history. There is nothing new about this. History, which few recall, is full of bandits and terrorists whose names and deeds are hardly remembered. The most well known are King Herod; Torquemada, the grand Inquisitor; Queen Victoria, the greatest drug trafficker of all time who fostered the Opium War in China; Hitler; President Truman who dropped atomic bombs on the populations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and Stalin.
Nach Informationen der Qualitätszeitung „O Globo“ sowie TV Globo in Rio de Janeiro hat Barack Obama die für Sonntag angekündigte Rede auf Rios Protest-Platz in Cinelandia abgesagt. Wie es hieß, wolle er jetzt lediglich vor kleinerem Publikum im Opernhaus von Rio sprechen. Gründe für die Rede-Absage wurden danach offiziell nicht genannt. Von Brasiliens Sozialbewegungen, die Obama zur „persona non grata“ erklärten, waren bereits für den Freitag in Cinelandia Anti-Obama-Proteste angekündigt worden.
Aufregung um Treffen des Rio-Präfekten mit Doppelgänger von Osama bin Laden: http://odia.terra.com.br/portal/rio/obamanorio/html/2011/3/brincadeira_polemica_antes_de_obama_chegar_151549.html