3.7 Sustainable tourism projectAs already discussed in chapter 4.4.6 sustainable and ecological tourism represents acrucial force for social, cultural and economic development world-wide. We can seethe complexity of the term ´sustainable tourism´ with regard to the differentdefinitions and approaches of tourism organizations, concerned with the subject.Sustainable Tourism is the consequence of adapting the strategy of ´Sustainable
Development´ to the world of tourism.
The 2nd Internacional Conference on Sustainable Tourism will be realized in Fortaleza Tradicional Communities, academics, NGO and Government representatives will meet to discuss tourism perspectives.
From the 12th to the 15th May 2008, the II International Conference on Sustainable Tourism (SITS) will take place in the Condominio Espiritual Uirapuru (Ceu), in Fortaleza.
 (Blick von der Terrasse der einfachen Pousada „Recanto da Maezinha“ auf den Atlantik)
Ein brasilianisches Fischerdörfchen findet weltweit Nachahmer
Der Atlantik, Wanderdünen, Palmen, frei weidende wilde Esel, Segelflöße am Strand vor den Fischerkaten und tief entspannende Ruhe “ das versteckte 1200-Seelen-Dorf Prainha do Canto Verde im Nordosten Brasiliens ist ein idealer Fluchtpunkt für Streßgeplagte.
(Engagierte Freunde von Prainha do Canto Verde in der Schweiz: http://www.amigosprainha.org/Â )
Fotos von der Segelfloßregatta in Prainha: http://www.fortaleza-online.net/?p=44