Fehlende Menschenrechts-Aufarbeitung des unter Vorwänden begonnenen Angriffs auf den Irak: http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2013/03/21/schatzungsweise-15-millionen-iraker-sind-durch-den-krieg-ums-leben-gekommen-ippnw-2013/
Willy Brandt und sein Diktatur-Amtskollege José Magalhaes Pinto: http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2013/11/19/brasiliens-folter-diktatur1964-1985-mit-wem-bundesausenminister-willy-brandt-damals-bilaterale-vertrage-unterzeichnet-das-massaker-an-stahlarbeitern-unter-gouverneur-jose-magalhaes-pinto/
Ausriß: Folterdiktator Ernesto Geisel und sein für die Operation Condor(länderübergreifende Jagd auf Regimegegner) zuständiger Geheimdienstchef Joao Figueiredo. Im Hintergrund der von Oscar Niemeyer entworfene Präsidentenpalast in Brasilia.
Frei Betto*
The catechism teaches that some Christians managed the impossible: to live according to God’s will. Their lives were consistent, they practised heroic virtues and gave witness to the Gospel as exemplary disciples of Jesus. They are called saints.
With the passing of time I discovered that all that glitters is not gold. There are innumerable anonymous saints who will never be canonized and there are saints who deserved glory on altars whose attitudes however did not correspond to gospel values.
As a matter o fact, processes for canonization are expensive and inaccessible to those who lived for the poor, like Padre Cicero, Dom Helder Camara, Dom Luciano Mendes de Almeida in Brazil and Dom Oscar Romero in El Salvador, just to name some clerics.
On March 25 2013 we lost a real, indisputable saint whose friendship I am grateful for: Father Renzo Rossi, an Italian from Florence, a Jesuit like Pope Francis. On Saturday 23rd I was to visit him in hospital. But when the University of Florence cancelled the talk I was to give, I did not get to embrace my 87 year old friend who was dying from pancreatic cancer.