Klaus Hart Brasilientexte

Aktuelle Berichte aus Brasilien – Politik, Kultur und Naturschutz

„The spying eye“. Brasiliens wichtigster Befreiungstheologe Frei Betto 2013. Bündnispartner-Überwachung, Fakten aus der Militärdiktatur(1964-1985)

Montag, 02. Dezember 2013 von Klaus Hart

 Recent revelations by young Edward Snowden have allowed us to believe that the greatest espionage practised in the history of humankind is “Made in USA”. They, who place security above freedom and money above human rights, poke their noses into the life of persons, governments, businesses and institutions.

 The US government, through its National Security Agency (NSA), spied (or still spies?) on president Dilma and Petrobrás. They certainly have done and will do much more.

 This was not news to me. I know, from official documents obtained in the National Archive (Habeas Data), that I was monitored by spies (known as “arapongas”) of the Brazilian military regime between June 1964, when they first arrested me, and 1992 – seven years after the dictatorship ended!

 In August 2003, when I worked for the government, phone tapping was discovered in president Lula’s office. Government information is worth a fortune. If share holders and account holders know, beforehand, that the Central Bank will decree the bankruptcy of a bank, this is priceless. Those who knew that president Collor would confiscate all Brazilian savings accounts must still be laughing at the crowds who were taken by surprise then.


Ausriß, brasilianisches Nachrichtenmagazin “Istoé” zur Bündnispartner-Überwachung, Friedensnobelpreisträger Barack Obama und Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel.


Frei Betto und Libyen-Intervention:  http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2013/12/02/libyen-bis-zur-intervention-das-hochentwickeltste-land-afrikas-analysen-zur-aktuellen-lage/


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