Klaus Hart Brasilientexte

Aktuelle Berichte aus Brasilien – Politik, Kultur und Naturschutz

Der US-Griff nach dem Öl der Venezolaner 2019 – unter Bruch des Völkerrechts, in Nazi-Manier. Und willst du nicht mein Bruder sein, dann schlag ich dir den Schädel ein..: „It will make a big difference to the United States economically if we could have American oil companies invest in and produce the oil capabilities in Venezuela.“ Was deutsche Medien wegen strenger Zensurbestimmungen nicht melden dürfen. Warum die Merkel-GroKo bei dem Putsch-Deal mitmacht(wie beim NATO-Krieg gegen das Öl-und Erdgasland Syrien)…Deutsche Lateinamerika-Solidaritätsgruppen(nach US-Chile-Putsch so aktiv) mausetot, paralysiert, aufgekauft, total vom System korrumpiert?

Montag, 28. Januar 2019 von Klaus Hart


Ausriß. Der US-Pinochet-Putsch in Chile – die Kupferreserven…

“Chilenisches Metall” (Renft):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKK82EKaWz8. Was auch derzeit nicht durch die Musikzensur deutscher Radios kommt…

…fasste zu die fremde Hand
hart am Hals hart am hals
und mit ihr kam über´s land
erneut der fluch des metalls
presste zu des landes kehle
kupfern wurde das rot
bleiern schmeckte jene nachricht
- allende ist tot-
und mit ihm starben viele
und man sah es überall
die ermordeten von chile
war´n ermordet für´s metall…


‘Good for business’: Trump adviser Bolton admits US interest in Venezuela’s ‘oil capabilities’/RT

With the Venezuela crisis escalating after the US’ provocative intervention against elected leader Nicolas Maduro last week, an honest admission by National Security Advisor John Bolton was overlooked by the media: It’s about oil.

Trump’s top adviser, who has been branded the most fervent hawk in the administration, has admitted that Washington is heavily invested in political outcomes in Caracas particularly because of Venezuela’s vast untapped oil reserves.

Indeed, it just so happens that Venezuela has the world’s largest proven oil reserves.

 The Trump administration isn’t even pretending when you have Bolton literally say it’s about oil. No American can legitimately support this coup. It’s not about anything good. Just theft.
 Speaking to Fox Business host Trish Regan, Bolton said that the US had “a lot at stake” in Venezuela’s political crisis, specifically citing the country’s oil and the economic benefit it could bring to the US.

It will make a big difference to the United States economically if we could have American oil companies invest in and produce the oil capabilities in Venezuela.

 „We’re in conversation with major American companies now…It would make a difference if we could have American companies produce the oil in Venezuela. It would be good for Venezuela and the people of the United States.“ – John „Chickenhawk“ Bolton, servant of Swamp King Trum
 During a separate appearance on Fox Business, Bolton was less explicit, telling host Stuart Varney that getting rid of Maduro was paramount since he was bringing “countries with interests hostile to ours” into the country and ousting him would be a “potential major step forward”  for “business” opportunities in the region.

Of course, Bolton also repeated the usual lines, claiming the US intervention in Venezuela’s domestic politics was about ousting an “authoritarian” leader and protecting democracy and human rights — but the comments about oil betrayed what many have suggested is the underlying reason and driving force behind the White House’s interference.


According to the CIA World Factbook, as of January 1st, 2017 Venezuela had the largest proven oil reserve estimate of any country, including Saudi Arabia. 


Venezuela 2019, Kriegsbündnis NATO, Trump, Merkel, Maas und das Öl der Venezolaner. Karikatur der Thüringer Allgemeinen, 5.2. 2019.


Ausriß Thüringer Allgemeine.


The USA has been destroying Venezuela for its oil, just like Iraq and have started a coup, trying to install their puppet regime under Guiada. The US sanctions are illegal under international law not endorsed by UN Security Council- Former UN Rappoarteur https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/venezuela-us-sanctions-united-nations-oil-pdvsa-a8748201.html 

 Venezuela happens and people people fall for the usual auld left versus right crap as an opportunity to bang on about their political prejudices and gallop off on their hobby-horses.

Oil & money & who gets to get it is the reason for this situation, nothing else.

Bolton’s interest in seeing the US economy profit off Venezuela’s plentiful natural resources shouldn’t be much of a surprise. Trump himself has a history of arguing for regime changes in oil-rich countries around the world… but only if US companies benefit.

“I’m interested in Libya if we take the oil. If we don’t take the oil, no interest,”he told Fox in 2012 a month after the disastrous US-led NATO intervention which left Libya a failed state. “We’ll help you, but we want 50 percent of your oil,” he said of Libya in another interview. Trump has also advocated a “take the oil” policy for Iraq in the past.

 Trump on Libya in 2011: We should “Immediately go into Libya and knock this guy out… We should’ve said we’ll help you, but we want 50% of your oil.“
 Bolton isn’t the only one to admit oil is a primary factor in US actions in Venezuela. Florida’s Republican senator Marco Rubio tweeted last week that refining the much-sought after heavy crude from Venezuela already “supports great jobs” for Americans in the Gulf Coast.
 Despite clear admissions that oil is a primary interest for Trump and Bolton, that aspect of Venezuela’s crisis has been mostly overlooked by mainstream media in the US and Europe, with journalists, who are usually more hostile to Trump, unquestioningly adopting the narrative that the intervention is about “democracy” instead.

READ MORE: Washington orchestrates coup in Venezuela, incites civil war, in name of ‘democracy’

Last week, Trump recognized Venezuelan opposition politician Juan Guaido as the country’s interim president, declared Maduro’s presidency “illegitimate” and called for regime change. The European Union, along with US allies in the Western Hemisphere quickly lined up to back Trump’s position, while Russia, China, Turkey and Venezuela’s allies in Latin America spoke out against the move.

Maduro’s government has accused the US of trying to engineer a “coup” and waging an “economic war” against it.

NATO und Irak-Öl:

Angela Merkel, Peter Scholl-Latour und der Irakkrieg, die rd. 1,5 Millionen ungesühnten Toten – kein Schuldiger in Den Haag verurteilt…:   http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2013/03/21/schatzungsweise-15-millionen-iraker-sind-durch-den-krieg-ums-leben-gekommen-ippnw-2013/

Der Irakkrieg und die Position der brasilianischen Bischofskonferenz CNBB. “Kriegsmotiv sind Ölreserven.” “O real motivo para a guerra são as reservas de petróleo do segundo maior produtor mundial.”

“Das wirkliche Motiv des Krieges sind die Ölreserven des zweitgrößten Produzenten der Welt.” (Brasilien ist größtes katholisches Land der Erde)

NATO und Libyen-Öl:http://www.hart-brasilientexte.de/2011/02/25/gaddafi-und-lula-arabien-krise-bedroht-brasiliens-starke-exporte-in-die-region-hohe-handelsbilanzuberschusse/

Katholischer Bischof Martinelli in Tripolis:

“In diesem Krieg gibt es nur ein Ziel: sich die besten Förderstellen zu sichern, Libyens Gas- und Ölvorräte auszubeuten. Alle überlegen sich, wie sie als Erste an die Energievorräte herankommen. Tut mir leid, dass ich das so unverblümt sagen muss, aber der Egoismus der beteiligten Länder ist unübersehbar.”(Deutschlandfunk)



“Chavez: Unser bester Freund.” Das Ché-Guevara-Memorial in Santa Clara, Kuba.

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